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1. Who are YOU?
YOU are a good/bad or evil Conscious Mind inside a Spirit filled Avatar flesh, blood and bone body. The Spirit, Mind and Body (IS-RA-EL) are all separate things. The Spirit is the divine holy ghost our Supreme Creator IO deposited into your womb/man flesh body. The Mind is YOU the consciousness, allowing YOU the ability to learn, experience thoughts, have understanding and schooling in a universal realm of mental existence within your left and right hemisphere of your Neo Cortex Mind of your brain . The beast carbon footprint of man that is 6 Neutrons, 6 Protons, 6 Electrons (666 Animal Skin) is the carnal flesh carcass YOU reside within to experience feelings, sight, hearing, smell, taste and speech. All together YOU can experince life and carnel desires that include food, love, knowledge, creativity, growth and development. YOU the Mind and the Divine Spirit of IO live within your avatar body. Take the conscious spirit from the body and the body dies or is lifeless, however the Spirit of IO lives on to incarnate many times in another new born baby host. As for YOU the consciousness, it dwells with our Supreme Creator who judges good/bad and evil at the end of a set period of time. (Rev 28:7-12)
YOU are a good/bad or evil Conscious Mind inside a Spirit filled Avatar flesh, blood and bone body. The Spirit, Mind and Body (IS-RA-EL) are all separate things. The Spirit is the divine holy ghost our Supreme Creator IO deposited into your womb/man flesh body. The Mind is YOU the consciousness, allowing YOU the ability to learn, experience thoughts, have understanding and schooling in a universal realm of mental existence within your left and right hemisphere of your Neo Cortex Mind of your brain . The beast carbon footprint of man that is 6 Neutrons, 6 Protons, 6 Electrons (666 Animal Skin) is the carnal flesh carcass YOU reside within to experience feelings, sight, hearing, smell, taste and speech. All together YOU can experince life and carnel desires that include food, love, knowledge, creativity, growth and development. YOU the Mind and the Divine Spirit of IO live within your avatar body. Take the conscious spirit from the body and the body dies or is lifeless, however the Spirit of IO lives on to incarnate many times in another new born baby host. As for YOU the consciousness, it dwells with our Supreme Creator who judges good/bad and evil at the end of a set period of time. (Rev 28:7-12)
2. What is the difference between good/bad and evil?
Everyone has good/bad in them. The ying and yang, light and dark, white and black exists in all creation as it balances one against the other and it relates to the mind at its thought process of good and bad judgement. Evil is a totally seperate scenario (sinario) altogether. It is everything against the greatest law of all, LOVE/Compassion/Charity. It depends on what colour wolf you feed the most, that will determine what type of person you become, and the personality you will have. An illustration of a white wolf represents purity and good intentions that exercises love, compassion, charity, clean, feed and teach and the black wolf being the opposite of. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) Evil cannot exist no longer in this NEW evolution to a greater and better world. This requires everyone to awaken to the new reality that every man, wombman, and child is a valuable equal asset and vital resource to the rebuild of a new creation under the laws of creation to nature and NOT to be over-shadowed by technology.
Everyone has good/bad in them. The ying and yang, light and dark, white and black exists in all creation as it balances one against the other and it relates to the mind at its thought process of good and bad judgement. Evil is a totally seperate scenario (sinario) altogether. It is everything against the greatest law of all, LOVE/Compassion/Charity. It depends on what colour wolf you feed the most, that will determine what type of person you become, and the personality you will have. An illustration of a white wolf represents purity and good intentions that exercises love, compassion, charity, clean, feed and teach and the black wolf being the opposite of. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) Evil cannot exist no longer in this NEW evolution to a greater and better world. This requires everyone to awaken to the new reality that every man, wombman, and child is a valuable equal asset and vital resource to the rebuild of a new creation under the laws of creation to nature and NOT to be over-shadowed by technology.
3. Why is there good/bad and evil?
FREE Will.... Every Conscious Spirit was given choices. It was also about learning the differnce in the short time we all are given on this planet earth. Our teachings and indoctrinations played an important part, as well as the external society we live in and other influential people we associate with. Bad association spoils useful habits. (1 Corinthians 15:33)
FREE Will.... Every Conscious Spirit was given choices. It was also about learning the differnce in the short time we all are given on this planet earth. Our teachings and indoctrinations played an important part, as well as the external society we live in and other influential people we associate with. Bad association spoils useful habits. (1 Corinthians 15:33)
4. What needs to change?
Mindsets.... Everyone has been indoctrinated with LIES. Truth has been distorted with deception, misunderstanding, misinterpretaion, fear, false pagan religious beliefs, misleading education and false history narratives. We have been and still are blindly following like sheep, influential people and corrupt leaders and their beliefs without factual real-life evidence, all for mind control (government) for profit and material gain. The following can assist us greatly;
Mindsets.... Everyone has been indoctrinated with LIES. Truth has been distorted with deception, misunderstanding, misinterpretaion, fear, false pagan religious beliefs, misleading education and false history narratives. We have been and still are blindly following like sheep, influential people and corrupt leaders and their beliefs without factual real-life evidence, all for mind control (government) for profit and material gain. The following can assist us greatly;
- We need to be re-educated and trained in truths. (Proverbs 22:6) Training includes - Listening, Talking, Having Fun, Refereeing, Practicing Good Behavior, Reinforcing Good Behavior, Introducing New Experiences, Disciplining with good moral understanding, establishing rules and boundaries, initiating fair and practical judgements, rewarding good works and fine examples of leadership, showing love, compassion, charity, clean, feed and teach principles.
- Being guided by good people association, true and factual literature evidenced by real findings and practical common sense, questioning everything but be open-minded to change when evidenced with true and undistorted facts, re-learn history and correct falsehoods.
- On a personal level, to dress well, to eat nutritious healing foods, to exercise regularly for health and well-being, to be clean in body and environment, to bring no harm to others or the environment, to speak with kindness, to call-out rudeness and hate-fueled racism, to report abuse and not allow such behavior to embed its rotten and decaying roots in the soil we walk on, to set aside time for godly devotion, work and creative experiences, fun and play, family time, adequate rest, friendly community gatherings, repairs and maintenance, growth and development and other things that provide enjoyment to life.
- To replace the current failing fiat-currency monetary system with a new solution that ends poverty and oppression forever, providing an inheritance kick-start, credit-based and people-backed, gold standard authority smart exchange affiliate referral advertisng platform that reduces crime, builds economic infrastructure, encourages cooperation and eliminates enslavement, rewards effort and participation, endorses creativity, growth and development that provides equality through investment in working coops to encourages clean environment and natural resource infrastructure, forestry, processed vegetation plants, fruit trees to be on every side-walk, fish and seafood farming through aqua-ponics and hydro-ponics through recycled water filtration sytems and seawater conversion to clean molecular hydogen alkaline drinking water technology and the introduction of hidden technology to enhance the longevity of life. A Credit Solution that zero-balances the debt / sin / death ledger to give life back to the birth certificate fictitious corporate entity persons and souls lost at sea under corpus juris jurisdiction and the vatican holy see (sea). This required a selfless individual that shed his blood and gave over his life to death to conquer debt that equals sin and sin that leads to death.
- To simplify our lives and be focused more on the needs instead of the wants. To provide the necessities for a sustainable life and create community working cooperatives (coops) to enable the rebirth of new nations and new worlds.
- To build communial-living highrise communities to minimize land usage in paticipation of population growth and to establish mixed race ethnicity communities to eliminate race crimes.
- To create shared community resources to minimize stress on infrastructure and more on family time and enjoyment and well-being of life. Hiring or leasing tools, equipment, vehicles, accomodation and so on, is a good thing when you share in the resource and asset wealth of the items you hire or lease. Investing into your own community working coops and becoming a shareholder and particpator in the working coop establishes a sense of belonging and you tend to look after the community you personally invest in. This in itself provides an element of care for your environment.
- Addressing physical and psychological pain by holistic and naturopathic remedies that may include personal counselling, chiropractic and physiotherapy rehibilitation and the active decision to partake in physical exercise and regular fitness activity.
- To assist individual suveran authority, sovereign de jure, sui juris jurisdiction, living sovereign absolute status by offering template website design to provide an online presence to establish alliances with other sovereign nations with an allgeiance to our Supreme Creator IO.
5. Do people want a KING or a GOD?
The short answer is NO..... People have been so discouraged by false religious teachings, corrupt political, cultural and religious leaders, disrespectful and deceitful associations with family, friends, lovers and business colleagues, false history narratives, misinformation, misinterpretation, deception, lies, sexual abuse and more, that they no longer know what to be-lie-ve anymore. The truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. What is good is seen as bad and what is bad is seen as good. A world of darkness has over-shadowed the light of the world. Past man-made Kings and Queens have been abusers along with religious leaders who apparently represent God. Even Government and their members of parliament have abused their positions of authority and every elite and influential person known to man has hidden skeletons in their closets, some bigger than others.
The short answer is NO..... People have been so discouraged by false religious teachings, corrupt political, cultural and religious leaders, disrespectful and deceitful associations with family, friends, lovers and business colleagues, false history narratives, misinformation, misinterpretation, deception, lies, sexual abuse and more, that they no longer know what to be-lie-ve anymore. The truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. What is good is seen as bad and what is bad is seen as good. A world of darkness has over-shadowed the light of the world. Past man-made Kings and Queens have been abusers along with religious leaders who apparently represent God. Even Government and their members of parliament have abused their positions of authority and every elite and influential person known to man has hidden skeletons in their closets, some bigger than others.
- But is this the KING and GOD we are referring too? That answer is also NO.... The KING I refer to here is the KING of kings, LORD of lords and KING of kingdoms The Supreme Creator incarnate in the flesh, Son of Man, a man of GOD (GOD with us) Emmanuel. GOD and god is a title given to Guardians Of Divinity and Protectors of the Spirit of the Supreme Creator.
- Is the Supreme Creator GOD? That answer is also NO.... The Supreme Creator is IO and is the Divine Holy Spirit. IO has no beginning and no end. The Alpha and Omega, the ONE that repetitively duplicates into many and all. The divine holy spirit host with the most, the breath and spark of all living things. IO Matua Te Runga Rawa being Father Most High known also as AbbaYAH, Yahuah, Yahshuah, Ihovah, Ihoa, IOA and many more names. However when the Divine Holy Spirit of IO is incarnate flesh, the flesh is god, a guardian of divinity protecting the Spirit of the Supreme Creator, hence why Yahshuah (Jesus) Christ told the Sadducees and Pharisees, "Ye are gods?" (John 10:34) Please note the lower case letters being guardians of divinity, the uppercase GOD being the Son of Man GOD incarnate Emmanuel and also a guardian of divinity. The Supreme Creator IO being the Divine and Holy Spirit that dwells within.
- Can the people trust in the Supreme Creator? Definitely YES.... IO is Father Most High, Supreme Authority and most trusted Source of pure light and pure love. Supreme Creator IO exists in every living thing, therefore is considered as Nature and the energy source and life-force within this realm. Some may refer to the Supreme Creator as the Matrix or Code that is the very fabric of life considering HE is everywhere and in everything. (Ephesians 4:6)
- Can the people trust in GOD? YES.... Emmanuel is Supreme Creator incarnate Son of Man and a Man of God. He is like the Father but is in the flesh. The flesh is carnal and has desire but the spirit is incorruptible. The conscious mind of Emmanuel has amazing incite to many things and knows how to separate from the world of materialism and wickedness. A good man that knows no lies and evil does not dwell within him. A selfless individual that shed his blood and gave over his life to death to conquer debt that equals sin and sin that leads to death. A righteous man that can truly stand as KING above all kings and LORD above all lords. A man that walks with the Supreme Creator to bring forth a new and better world providing a Credit Solution mentioned in Question 4:4 above that zero-balances the debt / sin / death ledger to give life back to the birth certificate fictitious corporate entity persons and souls lost at sea under corpus juris jurisdiction and the vatican holy see (sea).
- What does the bible say about debt and credit? You cannot serve two masters, GOD and materialism / wealth / money. (Matthew 6:24). It is important to simplify your life to enjoy your life. Shared community living helps you place your priorities in order and teaches you responsiblity and commitment with an emphesis on the community and those who reside within it, placing other people needs equal to your own.
- Can the people trust in god? This is the Hue-man flesh over the divine holy spirit with its own consciousness. It depends on whether this conscious being has separated from the world of materialism and walks in spirit of pure light and pure love. Whether that spirit has sold their eternal life-force by turning from good/bad balance to absolute pure evil and become an abomination to the Supreme Creator. People are well aware they must remove themselves from the whore of Babylon the Great and her evil ways and return to the Supreme Creator. (Revelation 18:4, Jeremiah 51:45) Many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14)
Many of you seek wisdom, upperstanding, knowledge of truth as this will set you FREE. However in reality, nobody really wants to hear the truth because they simply can't handle it. The highlighted links you are about to click on below will take you to important information about many topics of interest that was prepared for the final days of this world as we know it. It will be the MOST IMPORTANT read of your life as it is the SURVIVAL KIT required to return HOME, your real home that is, back to the eternal life-force energy of oneness with the Supreme Creator. The LITTLE BOOK is also another read that will taste like milk and honey in your mouth but will turn bitter in your belly depending on your common sense of reality and your values you try to uphold based on the indoctrination of worldly views. (Rev 10 8-11)(Ezek 3 1-4) Truth has been twisted and distorted, so it is fact that makes truth. The highlighted links will take you to information that can be considered FACT or FICTION depending on your own personal interpretation. Please scroll down the page to view each topic. Beware of making the wrong assumption or presumption of such material, your life may depend on it.
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