:Hohepa-Joseph: Mapiria,
:Royal-Regent of the Queen,
~0 : Creation:~1844, queen-victoria-trust-account. is with the new-zealand-government-taxation-charge of the right-to-[in]habit-new-zealand-lands by the queen-victoria.
~1 :Void-pay-tax-[a]bility: new-zealand-government, is with the governor-fitzroy-waiv[ed]-pre-emption-clause of the raise-funds and: breach-article-3,-Te-tiriti-o-waitangi-~1840-[the treaty-of-waitangi-~1840] by the sell-land-on-the-open-market.
~2 :Akaroa-bank-account. for the [re]moval-of-[of]fice of the governor-fitzroy is with the bad/corrupt-governance/overspend and with the queen-victoria's-funds/taxes/monies-charges-claim[ed] of the right-of-[in]habitation-funds/taxes/monies by the new-zealand-settlers-government's-wrong-do[ing].
~3 :New-zealand-settlers-government-still-pay-taxes to the british-crown, deposited-into-the-london-branch of the bank-of-new-zealand, transferred-to-the-akaroa-bank.
~4 :[In]terest-transferr[ed]-[to]-the-new-zealand-[re]serve-bank.
~5 :New-zealand-settlers-government-us[ing]-the-fund-with-no-authority by the queen-victoria-and-that-account-now-clos[ed].
~6 :[In]terest-goes-to-the-reserve-bank, now-the-akaroa-bank [un]til-mauri-[re]turn-on-the-land-&-manage-their-[af]fairs/governance.
~7 :Funds [to] [be] [ac]cess[ed], combination-of-~4-numbers, ~4-different-people-and-number-known-only-to-themselves. the first 3 numbers are here in nz. a form of chain reaction must take place before the number combinations can be activated. trustees of the world-bank,-~akaroa-account are;
~ : Prince: andrew-of-[en]gland, ~ : King: juan-carlos, & ~ : Queen-sophia-of-spain.
~8 :Access-to funds-with-conditions set by he-whakaputanga-1835 [the declaration of independence 1835].
~9 :Lease-monies-paid-to-the-crown-of-england on behalf of the 74-commonwealth-countries are also deposited-into-the-fund. new-zealand-settlers-parliament, since-1852 have-had-to-pay-rent & taxes to the british-crown.
~10 :Money-collected & deposited on behalf of mauri. interest is paid into the akaroa-bank and the principal into a trust fund administered by the trustees.
~11 :Principal-sum held in the united-nations and it is from this fund that the world-bank & the international monetory fund borrow.
~12 :Interest-administered-by-the-reserve-bank-of-new-zealand and used by the new-zealand-government to support this countries infrastructure.
~13 :It is mauri-money that supports the new-zealand-economy.
~14 :It is mauri-money that the world-bank & the international monetory fund borrow.
~15 :Funds are worth approx 20-trillion-dollars-us.
:Akaroa-Bank and The-Queen’s-Trust-[Ac]count-Lecture by the Hohepa-Mapiria, Maori-Chief-[Ju]stice/ ~2-~October:~2003
"Question: Can we get our lands back that have been confiscated?
Hohepa: It depends on if you believe that; do you believe that our Tipuna lands have been confiscated or did somebody from the Native Land Court record that to you? Because certainly the Privy Council didn’t believe that. Lord Watson said... he mention numerous governments under common law which refer to the tangata whenua land, under customary usage, even [though it is] known to lawyers or governments who will buy them by evidence, and you adopt [that thinking]. Lord Watson was unable to accept that Crown grants amount to the extinguishments of the Native title, and he determined that the Crown lacked Governor-General prerogative power, in relation to the extinguishments of the Native Title, meaning the Customary Title, and he said that he found that the latest stage, for the Colonial bench, be denied. We have to Aroha the Tau-iwi people here, the next- door neighbour. I like to just say this for the Tau-iwi friend next door, the truth be known, that we as a Maori people don’t have a claim to the Waitangi Tribunal, under the Treaty of Waitangi, instead, they [the Tau-iwi], really have the claim against their own government because they have been misled. We’re sitting pretty because all the lands in New Zealand is Maori Customary Land, deemed Crown land for certain purposes, under Te Ture Whenua Maori Maori Land Act you’ll find that under sec 144, it's still under Article 1 of the Treaty of Waitangi and Article 2, where under Article 1 we gave all our land to the Queen, to hold forever upon trust, legally until she buys it, if we are willing to sell, under Article 2, we still own it, beneficial and equitable owner of the land, and if we’re willing to sell any part of Aotearoa we have to sell it to Her [Majesty] first. We can't go along, or our Tipuna didn’t go along and say “oh here Pakeha, how much [do] you offer, ten bucks, yeah sure that’s fine” but the Trustee was the Queen; they’re the infant. We are not of the frame of mind to go signing documents and that is Lord Normanby’s instructions to Governor Hobson when he said “You must not allow Maori people to sign any document that they may be doing injury to themselves”.
Question from T.T. : Going back to that Act of State, all ten (10) waka need to be Incorporated to make an Act of State?
Hohepa: Ae.
Question from T.T. : And when we start making those laws to be framed, those laws go to the Upper House, that meaning the Maori Government can be set up then?
Hohepa: The Maori government can exist here right today, its here, the exercise, you have something in the Maori Incorporation that is identifiable to the Crown, and they would recognise who you are. They know who you are because they identify where you are coming from. For those who have been Incorporated, you have in Westminster to identify you and that is the Common Seal. Everyone of you have been given a seal, a (tohu) for your Incorporation to exercise. What that Common Seal is like? Our Tipuna put their tohu in the Declaration. When an Act of State is made, it comes from a resolution, and then the application of your seal is on the law. The seal is fixed to the document , and then the seal of your Waka is also fixed to the document, and the seal of the Upper House in the General Assembly. The whole entire Law Society of Incorporations, you are the lawmakers for the society of Maori, to enact an Act of State. When those seals are fixed to the laws that you make they’re identifiable to the British Crown, and Letters Patent, and Laws that are binding on the Crown and Maori, for the first time, instead of the laws just being binding on the Crown only. That’s the importance of the Common Seal that you have, “a Common Seal”, it remains in common with each other.
Question W.N.: it’s obvious that the answer to your question, “Are we ready” is still hanging in the air. Can we make resolutions elsewhere in Te Ture Whenua Maori Maori Land act?
Hohepa: No.
Question W.N. : I’d like to get onto these unclaimed dividends. I’d like to make a resolution to all the Incorporations here, to free all the unclaimed dividends from the Akaroa Bank and given back to the people.
Hohepa: Is that a question for me?
Question W.N. : I’d like to make a resolution to bring all the monies from the Akaroa Bank give it back to the people.
Hohepa: Do you understand how that works? To free up the monies, the putea, the unclaimed dividends within Akaroa Bank, you have to first, free yourself, before that Akaroa Bank, before those funds can be freed up. Would you like a better understanding? Unless you know how that thing works ... it goes like this, the 1800's... 1843 or 1844 ... the Queen (Victoria) set up an account with the Governor, and he’d say to the Queen, [should we] attack for Her pride of occupation and governance in New Zealand? But he couldn’t afford it, so he went and tried to wave the Crown’s Right of Pre-emption, so he could tell, he could raise some funds, by purchasing the lands and selling them on the open market. Anyway there was an account that the Maori had and it was called Akaroa, the Queen deposited funds into that account anyway for her Right of Occupation. The Governor over spent that fund so he was removed and replaced with another Governor. That was after Governor Hobson died; and Governor Fitzroy was that person who [attempted to] waived that right. Anyway in 1852, when the settlers got their right to govern themselves, they were to pay the British Crown, taxes to the Queen, and deposit it [the money] in the Bank of New Zealand in England, and they did so and they still do so today. And every year that fund is banked first to the Akaroa Bank (transferred to the Akaroa bank). However, the Akaroa Bank is unseen here in New Zealand, it's not widely published, because it's now surrounded by the Reserve Bank of NZ, and its controlled by the Business Roundtable. In other words, we have a little bank right here and over the top of it, it sits like a rainbow, the Business Roundtable, covering the Bank of New Zealand. And at that time money was transferred to that Akaroa Bank and held there, the Government was using that fund ... the settlers govt was using that fund.... on noting that, the Queen closed that account and opened it in the United Nations, and put it in the control of the King and Queen of Spain and one of her royal members of her family, as trustee of that account. Only the interest of that account now goes to the Akaroa bank, which is now the Reserve Bank of NZ, the interest which (that interest) runs the whole of this Nation. From out of the Akaroa funds held within the United Nations, the interest that’s running this country is from our Putea, the interest that runs this country is our money. When you get the dole do not forget it’s yours. Anyway the principal sum held within the United Nations, now that principle sum the I.M.F and the World bank, run their funds from (they borrow from our bank) that’s held in trust from the King and Queen of Spain and one of her royal subjects. So you can imagine how big that Putea is, it is enough to pay the entire (inaudible) without spending a cent. That’s how much that unclaimed dividend is. The only claim by Maoridom would be themselves and when we must take the governance of our own Nation and ourselves before that account is opened and a combination given. That combination is held in such a way. There are four numbers the first three are here in New Zealand and then the other two in Europe. It takes a chain reaction to activate the combination before it opens.
Statement from T.T. : In regards to the Putea in the Akaroa Bank and how you said that the interest is enough to live on, with that interest, we can continue to let monies [principal] build.
Question: The Reserved Bank of the United States is privately owned. That allows their privately owned bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, to manipulate the whole monetary system into a depression or into prosperity because it can be manipulated and takes control of the whole of the UN economy. Would you say Mapiria that the Reserve Bank of NZ is privately owned?
Hohepa: Ae.
Question: Are you saying that it is not owned by the government?
Hohepa: The Reserve Bank is owned by the Business Roundtable; remember Winston Peters and the “Wine Box”?
Question P.H.: I suggest to the whanau and to you, King Henry the VII's Charter, "The Herb Charter", now we see all the problems we have like diabetes, etcetera, you name it, our people have got it, and it's an industry. To heal people, but no way do they want to do it, because it's an Industry for the Clowns, and I see that Herb Charter goes back for six hundred years. What I’m suggesting is, that could be, a resolution for one of the Incorporations, whoever, to adopt the Herbal Charter into our Constitution, is that possible Matua, and then we have control of our own person is that right?
Hohepa: (nods once)
Matiu Nikora (Mangakino) statement: I hear a lot of questions being asked today, if any of you need support we are happy to join forces.
Question R.K.: Is there anybody here who wants to be Incorporated and are ready to Incorporate, we will do that in the morning. I was asked to put out this panui for the Chairman and Secretary at 10am tomorrow to meet and discuss a few things.
Question: Do all trusts adopt the constitution?
Hohepa: Ae.
Question: Can we pass a Resolution to do away with Acts of Parliament?
Hohepa: Word of Caution, if that is attempted, by doing that, the Treaty of Waitangi will become a nullity and the Declaration of Independence will become unprotected. Our independence would become unprotected.
Question T.K.P.: with our laws being framed, who is going to enforce them, will it be the defence forces, the Army the Navy? Why I ask this is because even though the Incorporations have a seal, the judges and police are ignoring this, because they impound our cars, arrest us. All the protective laws aren’t being adhered to by this government system, so when we frame these laws who is going to enforce them?
Hohepa: Getting down to the nitty gritty, “Remember the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 is an Act binding on British Crown and its not binding on Maori, the reason for that is the British Crown made that Law and it is binding on the British Crown and its subjects, and therefore it has nothing to do with Maori Customary Law, so it becomes a mechanism a protectorate until we start making our law. When we start making our law, all the Judges of the court can’t enforce their laws. We haven’t made our laws for them to enforce our laws, but it’s for them to enforce it when we make it. The mechanism is there for them to enforce it when we make it (read sec 61 sec 1 (b) TTWM Act) then under sec 62 then add, I’d like to add to, alter, and replace it and change it the other way."
~: Colonial world land lease with the house of hanover england,
~: Consolidat[ed] fund [ac]counts in [re]serve bank of new zealand,
~: 100,000 trade business bank accounts, 60 trade countries,
~: [ow]nership te awaroa native [re]serve bank [ac]count [en]gland,
~: Te akaroa bank [ac]count with france,
~: Te moananui a kiwa the-first-world-bank [ac]count with the trustee king kamehameha of hawaii,
~: Te whakaputanga ~1835 [ac]count in New South Wales Treasury,
~: The [in]digenous gold accounts held & [im]pound[ed] in the mountains & airport of kloten switzerland,
~: [Un]it[ed] nations [ac]counts-set-up by the Wiremu watene tautari-~1911,
~: Wiremu-watene-tautari's-~1911-bank of the new-zealand-bank-~helensville, "the wine box inquiry",
~:~100 Year lease to aotearoha with the maori trustee & the new Zealand government 1925,
~: Gold held within the league of nations-~1911 and now-held by the [un]it[ed] nations,
~: queen nefertiti's gold [from] Egypt which [be]came king alexander's then kupe's gold,
~: consolidat[ed] fund [ac]counts in australia, hong kong, london, lugarn, manila, ontario, panama, paris, senegal, sydney, turin, tahiti, vietnam, u.s.a. etc.
:Hohepa-Joseph: Mapiria,
:Royal-Regent of the Queen,
~0 : Creation:~1844, queen-victoria-trust-account. is with the new-zealand-government-taxation-charge of the right-to-[in]habit-new-zealand-lands by the queen-victoria.
~1 :Void-pay-tax-[a]bility: new-zealand-government, is with the governor-fitzroy-waiv[ed]-pre-emption-clause of the raise-funds and: breach-article-3,-Te-tiriti-o-waitangi-~1840-[the treaty-of-waitangi-~1840] by the sell-land-on-the-open-market.
~2 :Akaroa-bank-account. for the [re]moval-of-[of]fice of the governor-fitzroy is with the bad/corrupt-governance/overspend and with the queen-victoria's-funds/taxes/monies-charges-claim[ed] of the right-of-[in]habitation-funds/taxes/monies by the new-zealand-settlers-government's-wrong-do[ing].
~3 :New-zealand-settlers-government-still-pay-taxes to the british-crown, deposited-into-the-london-branch of the bank-of-new-zealand, transferred-to-the-akaroa-bank.
~4 :[In]terest-transferr[ed]-[to]-the-new-zealand-[re]serve-bank.
~5 :New-zealand-settlers-government-us[ing]-the-fund-with-no-authority by the queen-victoria-and-that-account-now-clos[ed].
~6 :[In]terest-goes-to-the-reserve-bank, now-the-akaroa-bank [un]til-mauri-[re]turn-on-the-land-&-manage-their-[af]fairs/governance.
~7 :Funds [to] [be] [ac]cess[ed], combination-of-~4-numbers, ~4-different-people-and-number-known-only-to-themselves. the first 3 numbers are here in nz. a form of chain reaction must take place before the number combinations can be activated. trustees of the world-bank,-~akaroa-account are;
~ : Prince: andrew-of-[en]gland, ~ : King: juan-carlos, & ~ : Queen-sophia-of-spain.
~8 :Access-to funds-with-conditions set by he-whakaputanga-1835 [the declaration of independence 1835].
~9 :Lease-monies-paid-to-the-crown-of-england on behalf of the 74-commonwealth-countries are also deposited-into-the-fund. new-zealand-settlers-parliament, since-1852 have-had-to-pay-rent & taxes to the british-crown.
~10 :Money-collected & deposited on behalf of mauri. interest is paid into the akaroa-bank and the principal into a trust fund administered by the trustees.
~11 :Principal-sum held in the united-nations and it is from this fund that the world-bank & the international monetory fund borrow.
~12 :Interest-administered-by-the-reserve-bank-of-new-zealand and used by the new-zealand-government to support this countries infrastructure.
~13 :It is mauri-money that supports the new-zealand-economy.
~14 :It is mauri-money that the world-bank & the international monetory fund borrow.
~15 :Funds are worth approx 20-trillion-dollars-us.
:Akaroa-Bank and The-Queen’s-Trust-[Ac]count-Lecture by the Hohepa-Mapiria, Maori-Chief-[Ju]stice/ ~2-~October:~2003
"Question: Can we get our lands back that have been confiscated?
Hohepa: It depends on if you believe that; do you believe that our Tipuna lands have been confiscated or did somebody from the Native Land Court record that to you? Because certainly the Privy Council didn’t believe that. Lord Watson said... he mention numerous governments under common law which refer to the tangata whenua land, under customary usage, even [though it is] known to lawyers or governments who will buy them by evidence, and you adopt [that thinking]. Lord Watson was unable to accept that Crown grants amount to the extinguishments of the Native title, and he determined that the Crown lacked Governor-General prerogative power, in relation to the extinguishments of the Native Title, meaning the Customary Title, and he said that he found that the latest stage, for the Colonial bench, be denied. We have to Aroha the Tau-iwi people here, the next- door neighbour. I like to just say this for the Tau-iwi friend next door, the truth be known, that we as a Maori people don’t have a claim to the Waitangi Tribunal, under the Treaty of Waitangi, instead, they [the Tau-iwi], really have the claim against their own government because they have been misled. We’re sitting pretty because all the lands in New Zealand is Maori Customary Land, deemed Crown land for certain purposes, under Te Ture Whenua Maori Maori Land Act you’ll find that under sec 144, it's still under Article 1 of the Treaty of Waitangi and Article 2, where under Article 1 we gave all our land to the Queen, to hold forever upon trust, legally until she buys it, if we are willing to sell, under Article 2, we still own it, beneficial and equitable owner of the land, and if we’re willing to sell any part of Aotearoa we have to sell it to Her [Majesty] first. We can't go along, or our Tipuna didn’t go along and say “oh here Pakeha, how much [do] you offer, ten bucks, yeah sure that’s fine” but the Trustee was the Queen; they’re the infant. We are not of the frame of mind to go signing documents and that is Lord Normanby’s instructions to Governor Hobson when he said “You must not allow Maori people to sign any document that they may be doing injury to themselves”.
Question from T.T. : Going back to that Act of State, all ten (10) waka need to be Incorporated to make an Act of State?
Hohepa: Ae.
Question from T.T. : And when we start making those laws to be framed, those laws go to the Upper House, that meaning the Maori Government can be set up then?
Hohepa: The Maori government can exist here right today, its here, the exercise, you have something in the Maori Incorporation that is identifiable to the Crown, and they would recognise who you are. They know who you are because they identify where you are coming from. For those who have been Incorporated, you have in Westminster to identify you and that is the Common Seal. Everyone of you have been given a seal, a (tohu) for your Incorporation to exercise. What that Common Seal is like? Our Tipuna put their tohu in the Declaration. When an Act of State is made, it comes from a resolution, and then the application of your seal is on the law. The seal is fixed to the document , and then the seal of your Waka is also fixed to the document, and the seal of the Upper House in the General Assembly. The whole entire Law Society of Incorporations, you are the lawmakers for the society of Maori, to enact an Act of State. When those seals are fixed to the laws that you make they’re identifiable to the British Crown, and Letters Patent, and Laws that are binding on the Crown and Maori, for the first time, instead of the laws just being binding on the Crown only. That’s the importance of the Common Seal that you have, “a Common Seal”, it remains in common with each other.
Question W.N.: it’s obvious that the answer to your question, “Are we ready” is still hanging in the air. Can we make resolutions elsewhere in Te Ture Whenua Maori Maori Land act?
Hohepa: No.
Question W.N. : I’d like to get onto these unclaimed dividends. I’d like to make a resolution to all the Incorporations here, to free all the unclaimed dividends from the Akaroa Bank and given back to the people.
Hohepa: Is that a question for me?
Question W.N. : I’d like to make a resolution to bring all the monies from the Akaroa Bank give it back to the people.
Hohepa: Do you understand how that works? To free up the monies, the putea, the unclaimed dividends within Akaroa Bank, you have to first, free yourself, before that Akaroa Bank, before those funds can be freed up. Would you like a better understanding? Unless you know how that thing works ... it goes like this, the 1800's... 1843 or 1844 ... the Queen (Victoria) set up an account with the Governor, and he’d say to the Queen, [should we] attack for Her pride of occupation and governance in New Zealand? But he couldn’t afford it, so he went and tried to wave the Crown’s Right of Pre-emption, so he could tell, he could raise some funds, by purchasing the lands and selling them on the open market. Anyway there was an account that the Maori had and it was called Akaroa, the Queen deposited funds into that account anyway for her Right of Occupation. The Governor over spent that fund so he was removed and replaced with another Governor. That was after Governor Hobson died; and Governor Fitzroy was that person who [attempted to] waived that right. Anyway in 1852, when the settlers got their right to govern themselves, they were to pay the British Crown, taxes to the Queen, and deposit it [the money] in the Bank of New Zealand in England, and they did so and they still do so today. And every year that fund is banked first to the Akaroa Bank (transferred to the Akaroa bank). However, the Akaroa Bank is unseen here in New Zealand, it's not widely published, because it's now surrounded by the Reserve Bank of NZ, and its controlled by the Business Roundtable. In other words, we have a little bank right here and over the top of it, it sits like a rainbow, the Business Roundtable, covering the Bank of New Zealand. And at that time money was transferred to that Akaroa Bank and held there, the Government was using that fund ... the settlers govt was using that fund.... on noting that, the Queen closed that account and opened it in the United Nations, and put it in the control of the King and Queen of Spain and one of her royal members of her family, as trustee of that account. Only the interest of that account now goes to the Akaroa bank, which is now the Reserve Bank of NZ, the interest which (that interest) runs the whole of this Nation. From out of the Akaroa funds held within the United Nations, the interest that’s running this country is from our Putea, the interest that runs this country is our money. When you get the dole do not forget it’s yours. Anyway the principal sum held within the United Nations, now that principle sum the I.M.F and the World bank, run their funds from (they borrow from our bank) that’s held in trust from the King and Queen of Spain and one of her royal subjects. So you can imagine how big that Putea is, it is enough to pay the entire (inaudible) without spending a cent. That’s how much that unclaimed dividend is. The only claim by Maoridom would be themselves and when we must take the governance of our own Nation and ourselves before that account is opened and a combination given. That combination is held in such a way. There are four numbers the first three are here in New Zealand and then the other two in Europe. It takes a chain reaction to activate the combination before it opens.
Statement from T.T. : In regards to the Putea in the Akaroa Bank and how you said that the interest is enough to live on, with that interest, we can continue to let monies [principal] build.
Question: The Reserved Bank of the United States is privately owned. That allows their privately owned bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, to manipulate the whole monetary system into a depression or into prosperity because it can be manipulated and takes control of the whole of the UN economy. Would you say Mapiria that the Reserve Bank of NZ is privately owned?
Hohepa: Ae.
Question: Are you saying that it is not owned by the government?
Hohepa: The Reserve Bank is owned by the Business Roundtable; remember Winston Peters and the “Wine Box”?
Question P.H.: I suggest to the whanau and to you, King Henry the VII's Charter, "The Herb Charter", now we see all the problems we have like diabetes, etcetera, you name it, our people have got it, and it's an industry. To heal people, but no way do they want to do it, because it's an Industry for the Clowns, and I see that Herb Charter goes back for six hundred years. What I’m suggesting is, that could be, a resolution for one of the Incorporations, whoever, to adopt the Herbal Charter into our Constitution, is that possible Matua, and then we have control of our own person is that right?
Hohepa: (nods once)
Matiu Nikora (Mangakino) statement: I hear a lot of questions being asked today, if any of you need support we are happy to join forces.
Question R.K.: Is there anybody here who wants to be Incorporated and are ready to Incorporate, we will do that in the morning. I was asked to put out this panui for the Chairman and Secretary at 10am tomorrow to meet and discuss a few things.
Question: Do all trusts adopt the constitution?
Hohepa: Ae.
Question: Can we pass a Resolution to do away with Acts of Parliament?
Hohepa: Word of Caution, if that is attempted, by doing that, the Treaty of Waitangi will become a nullity and the Declaration of Independence will become unprotected. Our independence would become unprotected.
Question T.K.P.: with our laws being framed, who is going to enforce them, will it be the defence forces, the Army the Navy? Why I ask this is because even though the Incorporations have a seal, the judges and police are ignoring this, because they impound our cars, arrest us. All the protective laws aren’t being adhered to by this government system, so when we frame these laws who is going to enforce them?
Hohepa: Getting down to the nitty gritty, “Remember the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 is an Act binding on British Crown and its not binding on Maori, the reason for that is the British Crown made that Law and it is binding on the British Crown and its subjects, and therefore it has nothing to do with Maori Customary Law, so it becomes a mechanism a protectorate until we start making our law. When we start making our law, all the Judges of the court can’t enforce their laws. We haven’t made our laws for them to enforce our laws, but it’s for them to enforce it when we make it. The mechanism is there for them to enforce it when we make it (read sec 61 sec 1 (b) TTWM Act) then under sec 62 then add, I’d like to add to, alter, and replace it and change it the other way."
~: Colonial world land lease with the house of hanover england,
~: Consolidat[ed] fund [ac]counts in [re]serve bank of new zealand,
~: 100,000 trade business bank accounts, 60 trade countries,
~: [ow]nership te awaroa native [re]serve bank [ac]count [en]gland,
~: Te akaroa bank [ac]count with france,
~: Te moananui a kiwa the-first-world-bank [ac]count with the trustee king kamehameha of hawaii,
~: Te whakaputanga ~1835 [ac]count in New South Wales Treasury,
~: The [in]digenous gold accounts held & [im]pound[ed] in the mountains & airport of kloten switzerland,
~: [Un]it[ed] nations [ac]counts-set-up by the Wiremu watene tautari-~1911,
~: Wiremu-watene-tautari's-~1911-bank of the new-zealand-bank-~helensville, "the wine box inquiry",
~:~100 Year lease to aotearoha with the maori trustee & the new Zealand government 1925,
~: Gold held within the league of nations-~1911 and now-held by the [un]it[ed] nations,
~: queen nefertiti's gold [from] Egypt which [be]came king alexander's then kupe's gold,
~: consolidat[ed] fund [ac]counts in australia, hong kong, london, lugarn, manila, ontario, panama, paris, senegal, sydney, turin, tahiti, vietnam, u.s.a. etc.