I am a visionary leader of the new age. My decisions impact the lives of millions of people as I willingly accept the responsibility of a new benevolent financial system. My ideals are fortified and my vision is fluid as I recognize my power and release my limitations.
I have survived bondage and I have freed my mind. I do not take for granted this precious gift afforded me by our spiritual benefactors. I boldly take this next step forward refusing to look back. I shake off my former identity as a slave to debt, fear, and worry.
I embody an attitude of quiet confidence, embracing a lifestyle that empowers me to lead in a way that serves the greater good while still being humble and open to correction.
The endeavor ahead will be not to amass more wealth but to distribute that wealth to those in need, expeditiously, using discernment, and with the support of an excellent team.
My life is driven by purpose and my plans are precise. I recognize the need to not only put to use my own wealth but to support others to do the same. I embrace my role as a philanthropic conduit for creative giving, an engineer of impact investing, and a unifying source for benevolent business practice.
I am dedicated to changing the perception, execution, and reality of successful business practices and philanthropy. I influence the development of new technologies, products, and services; mass media; health care; and art and music. I establish organizations that measure their success based on the quality of their projects and the impact they have on people and the planet.
My practice is driven by the relentless pursuit of spiritual integration with impactful idealism to manifest infinite possibilities.
I am a creator of change, a testimony of integrity, and an ambassador of truth. In the execution of this mission, I know who I am. And I stand strongly upon the foundation of that being.
:Gavin-John: :Marsich:®©™℗ aka; Ariki-nui-Kawenata :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗
I have survived bondage and I have freed my mind. I do not take for granted this precious gift afforded me by our spiritual benefactors. I boldly take this next step forward refusing to look back. I shake off my former identity as a slave to debt, fear, and worry.
I embody an attitude of quiet confidence, embracing a lifestyle that empowers me to lead in a way that serves the greater good while still being humble and open to correction.
The endeavor ahead will be not to amass more wealth but to distribute that wealth to those in need, expeditiously, using discernment, and with the support of an excellent team.
My life is driven by purpose and my plans are precise. I recognize the need to not only put to use my own wealth but to support others to do the same. I embrace my role as a philanthropic conduit for creative giving, an engineer of impact investing, and a unifying source for benevolent business practice.
I am dedicated to changing the perception, execution, and reality of successful business practices and philanthropy. I influence the development of new technologies, products, and services; mass media; health care; and art and music. I establish organizations that measure their success based on the quality of their projects and the impact they have on people and the planet.
My practice is driven by the relentless pursuit of spiritual integration with impactful idealism to manifest infinite possibilities.
I am a creator of change, a testimony of integrity, and an ambassador of truth. In the execution of this mission, I know who I am. And I stand strongly upon the foundation of that being.
:Gavin-John: :Marsich:®©™℗ aka; Ariki-nui-Kawenata :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗
His Excellency :Kawenata:®©™℗ the 1st, Royal Regent to the House of :Marsich-Crown-Kingdom:®©™℗, Sovereign/Suv'eran Authority over his E-State, Protector of his Realm, Defender of the law, Service to his people.
SUV'ERAN - A supreme lord or ruler; one who possesses the highest authority without control. Some kings are suverans in their dominions; the authority of others is limited. The Creator is the suveran of all that he has made. ... A supreme magistrate, lord or king.
Tupuna - ancestors
My Great, Great, Great Grandfather
:Wiremu-Pererika: :Heke:®©™℗ |
My Great, Great, Great Grandmother
:Edith-Hariet: :Rika-Heke:®©™℗ |
:Marsic:®©™℗ Whanau Top row: :Hokimate: (Malaahi) :Davis:, :Josephine:®©™℗ (Armstrong) :Broughton:®©™℗, :Lottie:®©™℗, :Harris:®©™℗, :Sarah:®©™℗ (Waata) :Davis:®©™℗, Bottom row: Grandfather :Ivan:®©™℗ :Marsic:®©™℗ & :Te-Mingi-Mataroa:®©™℗(:Hāmiora:):Heta:®©™℗ / :Rika-Heke:®©™℗ holding :Ivanna:®©™℗ :Davis:®©™℗.
From the Shroud to the Cloud of Aotearoa :Gavin-John:®©™℗ :Marsich:®©™℗
who is :Ariki-nui-Kawenata: ®©™℗ :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗
who is :Ariki-nui-Kawenata: ®©™℗ :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗
:Arikinui-Gavin-John:®©™℗ :Marsich:®©™℗ to :Arikinui-Kawenata:®©™℗ :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗ = :Marsich-Crown-Kingdom:®©™℗ (Matamuatanga) :Kin-dom:®©™℗
Rako passed over to :Arikinui-Kawenata:®©™℗ :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗ by Kaiwhakahaere :Ariki-Anaru:®©™℗ :Armstrong:®©™℗ witnessed by :Gerrard:®©™℗ :Otimi:®©™℗ and Family
Rako passed over to :Arikinui-Kawenata:®©™℗ :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗ by Kaiwhakahaere :Ariki-Anaru:®©™℗ :Armstrong:®©™℗ witnessed by :Gerrard:®©™℗ :Otimi:®©™℗ and Family
MŌRIORI MĀURI whakapapa / genealogy
"I come from the stars, (Matariki) of the (Heavens). I will return back to the (matariki) of the (Heavens). My gods (belief's) are my belief's, handed down from generation to generation. I bear witness of this, as I karakia to the lessor gods (Demi gods). Thank you for sustaining my MŌRIORI MĀURI life force. Thank you for the Kai of the sea Tangaroa, (Poseidon) Greek (Njörðr) Norse (Varuna) Hindu (Ndan or Chahk) Mayan (Tlaloc) Aztecs. For the Kai, (kumara and all cultivated foods) of the land Rongo mā Tāne and (Wild Foods) Haumia-tiketike and also Maui (the Demi-god), for if you did not bring this Whenua (Land) up from under the sea, we could not stand here today on TE IKA-A-MAUI (not Aotearoa) but Ikaroa. Don't you just love our belief's it's always been with us. We have just forgot who we are, to know where we come from, tihei ma uri ora, I am a living life force".
Arikinui-Kawenata :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗
Arikinui-Kawenata :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗
As descendants of :Io-nui-Io-Supreme-God:®©™℗ of all heavens and Earth to the current day descendants of the House of :Marsich:®©™℗ of :Marsich-Crown-Kin-dom:®©™℗ and :Marsich-Crown-Kingdom:®©™℗ Estate, supported by written whakapapa (genealogy) which gives clear validation to a claim of right over :Aotearoha:®©™℗ lands, seas, air and space within the earthly realm. (see Matamuatanga Territory page). A claim of right to free passage and right of unrestricted travel. A private right not to participate or consent to contract under corporate, commercial law of legislation acts, statute laws from NZ Pirate Police, policy enforcement officers and Corporate Government non-treaty parties, their agencies, agents and principals. (refer to Fee Schedule page)
English common law recognized and guaranteed Maori customary title as confirmed by the :Te-Tiriti-o-Waitangi-1840:®©™℗. Common law jurisdictions give judicial recognition to an indigenous customary title, in the wake of the recent Court of Appeal decision of Ngati Apa v Attorney-General [NOV 2003] 3 NZLR 643. Prior to this was the relationship with the British built from 1820 and the visit of Hongi Hika and Waikato Tairea to King William IV, the recognition of the Rights of Man Philippe Louie XVIII 1832, Te Awaranginui o Mokoia Contractual Treaty 1832 for free carriage of Westminster, Herbalist Charter of Henry VIII, :He-Whakaputanga-o-te-Rangatiratanga-o-Nu-Tireni-1835:®©™℗ kingdom covenant signed by my indigenous tupuna and their recognized Flag of King William IV, 20 March 1834, 21-Gun Salute from the HMS Alligator Navy Vessel to sail the seas with trade protection. The General Agreement for Trade with 72 countries (G.A.T) Seals and Te Whare Awaroa Endowment Reserve Trust Bank Charter 1831 and later the Onehunga Endowment Trust Bank 1861 by an act of the Royal Court of Te Whare Tairea Taiopuru, Waikato Tairea. Finally Nga Puhi-Moana-Ariki tribes recognized in a Waitangi Tribunal hearing 2010 that they did NOT cede Sovereignty. (click here)
Since this time :Gavin:, for the House of :Marsich:®©™℗, now known in private as :Christian: :Crown: or :Arikinui-Kawenata:, for the House of :Crown:®©™℗ (change of name on 1st April, 2014), a chief of the :Nga-Kupe-Nuku:®©™℗ tribe, has straightened out his house and has put his tribal affairs in order. This is a prerequisite for self governance. Great freedom only comes with being morally accountable and responsible for oneself in the world. Since the world is structured in trusts, estates, funds and corporations but above all private equitable standing, the most powerful thing you can do is demonstrate the mastery of your trust and estate affairs. With a governing structure and our own purpose built program for economic barter exchange (click here), supported by an infinite bond value approved by :IO-Matua-Kore:®©™℗ for our own AU GOLD Credit medium of exchange for transaction transparency, we are able to transact with other Kingdom Alliances.
The trust known as the :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗ Trust administers the affairs of the kingdom (matamuatanga) or (tino- rangatiratanga). As Sovereign over his estate, he is also the Protector of the Realm, Defender of the Law, and Servant to his People. He is the one chief of his clans to reclaim his monarchy and step into the private with full sovereign capacity, in the history of his people. An age of servant Kings and Queens is dawning. Unprecedented in human history. Simply put, if one falls, we all fall. No one is therefore left behind. The family of hue-man is One.
What is the difference between the public domain and private domain?
The public world is the domain of TV's, newspapers, radio, and the world view that you have inherited from your parents and society at large. It is governed by corporate law, which stands under Admiralty law which comes under the law of the Sea. Corporate law is the law of legal fictions or dead things. Names on tomb stones and spell-ing in ALL CAPS and is the Debt/Death Ledger paid by Man in this physical realm. Your name on your drivers licence is in all capitals. Why? This is the legal (P) person which is a fiction (image of the beast). This is your straw man! (click here) Blacks law dictionary defines the person as a ward, a lunatic, and a child or infant under a parish or state. Now if you are reading this you are clearly not dead, nor are you a lunatic. Let us go a bit further down the yellow brick road. When you were born, you were born with two titles. The doctor proclaimed three times, I can see the :Crown:®©™℗, then proceeded to prick your foot and stamp your foot print onto a Guthrie card, where your first name is con-joined with your last NAME. This is when the living spirit that resides in your body, was attached to the legal (P)erson fiction (click here). From here your parents were issued the birth certificate. You were tricked into assuming you were the person on the birth certificate, while in truth you are the :Crown:, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost which resides in a flesh garment, also known as the vessel or veil. In truth we are not of this earth, but walk upon it. This was done without your consent and without full disclosure and without your parent's knowledge or understanding.
In essence slavery never disappeared. Slavery is the invisible enemy, and the most effective form of slavery is the type in which the slave thinks he's free. The metal shackles were replaced with paper ones. You were captured by paper spells and have since spent your whole life in corporate servitude (click here) without knowing it, yet deep down you sensed it, but were too afraid to admit it out loud for fear of ridicule or worse. That's ok, we understand. We however have fought the good fight for you, and we have won, otherwise if we hadn't, you wouldn't be reading this account. Lets continue, in the public you are a person who has privileges, which can be taken away, while in the private you are a man or woman who has lawful rights, which cannot be taken away. They can however be surrendered by your consent. In the public you can be arrested and detained, while in the private you cannot.
In the public you lived to survive in an economy of scarcity. In the private you will thrive in an economy of abundance. Changing to the mind set of abundance will take time however, but it will be a pleasurable transition. The private domain is a new world and to cross over you have to resurrect yourself from the dead legal fiction, into the domain of the living. Man and Woman standing upright on dry land and not laying dead under the sea (refer to your passport) or click here. This is really the only logical choice a sentient being can make, once faced with this information.
The heart of sovereignty is deeply spiritual. The reality of the Great Spirit that lives and breathes in all beings, was never lost by those that have occupied these ancient lands of :Ao-te-aroha:®©™℗ since before recorded time. A direct relationship to God has always been taboo in the Judaeo-Christian traditions. Yet the Cathars in the middle ages were persecuted and genocided for advocating this very truth, that you are not separate from God, Truth and Reality. It is this very truth that we proclaim. We are not the Ones that wake, dream and sleep, but are the witness consciousness of those states.
Consciousness is not the product of mind or body, but stands prior to mind and body, space and time. Quantum science has already shown us that everything is energy, everything is light, everything is One. We can live differently based on our latest scientific break-through's coupled with ancient tribal wisdom. We can create a new way of life in co-operation, tolerance, and in peace. When you are bound by a Sovereign's Sacred Oath not to cause harm, you are free to Do and Be without limit.
English common law recognized and guaranteed Maori customary title as confirmed by the :Te-Tiriti-o-Waitangi-1840:®©™℗. Common law jurisdictions give judicial recognition to an indigenous customary title, in the wake of the recent Court of Appeal decision of Ngati Apa v Attorney-General [NOV 2003] 3 NZLR 643. Prior to this was the relationship with the British built from 1820 and the visit of Hongi Hika and Waikato Tairea to King William IV, the recognition of the Rights of Man Philippe Louie XVIII 1832, Te Awaranginui o Mokoia Contractual Treaty 1832 for free carriage of Westminster, Herbalist Charter of Henry VIII, :He-Whakaputanga-o-te-Rangatiratanga-o-Nu-Tireni-1835:®©™℗ kingdom covenant signed by my indigenous tupuna and their recognized Flag of King William IV, 20 March 1834, 21-Gun Salute from the HMS Alligator Navy Vessel to sail the seas with trade protection. The General Agreement for Trade with 72 countries (G.A.T) Seals and Te Whare Awaroa Endowment Reserve Trust Bank Charter 1831 and later the Onehunga Endowment Trust Bank 1861 by an act of the Royal Court of Te Whare Tairea Taiopuru, Waikato Tairea. Finally Nga Puhi-Moana-Ariki tribes recognized in a Waitangi Tribunal hearing 2010 that they did NOT cede Sovereignty. (click here)
Since this time :Gavin:, for the House of :Marsich:®©™℗, now known in private as :Christian: :Crown: or :Arikinui-Kawenata:, for the House of :Crown:®©™℗ (change of name on 1st April, 2014), a chief of the :Nga-Kupe-Nuku:®©™℗ tribe, has straightened out his house and has put his tribal affairs in order. This is a prerequisite for self governance. Great freedom only comes with being morally accountable and responsible for oneself in the world. Since the world is structured in trusts, estates, funds and corporations but above all private equitable standing, the most powerful thing you can do is demonstrate the mastery of your trust and estate affairs. With a governing structure and our own purpose built program for economic barter exchange (click here), supported by an infinite bond value approved by :IO-Matua-Kore:®©™℗ for our own AU GOLD Credit medium of exchange for transaction transparency, we are able to transact with other Kingdom Alliances.
The trust known as the :Marsich-Crown:®©™℗ Trust administers the affairs of the kingdom (matamuatanga) or (tino- rangatiratanga). As Sovereign over his estate, he is also the Protector of the Realm, Defender of the Law, and Servant to his People. He is the one chief of his clans to reclaim his monarchy and step into the private with full sovereign capacity, in the history of his people. An age of servant Kings and Queens is dawning. Unprecedented in human history. Simply put, if one falls, we all fall. No one is therefore left behind. The family of hue-man is One.
What is the difference between the public domain and private domain?
The public world is the domain of TV's, newspapers, radio, and the world view that you have inherited from your parents and society at large. It is governed by corporate law, which stands under Admiralty law which comes under the law of the Sea. Corporate law is the law of legal fictions or dead things. Names on tomb stones and spell-ing in ALL CAPS and is the Debt/Death Ledger paid by Man in this physical realm. Your name on your drivers licence is in all capitals. Why? This is the legal (P) person which is a fiction (image of the beast). This is your straw man! (click here) Blacks law dictionary defines the person as a ward, a lunatic, and a child or infant under a parish or state. Now if you are reading this you are clearly not dead, nor are you a lunatic. Let us go a bit further down the yellow brick road. When you were born, you were born with two titles. The doctor proclaimed three times, I can see the :Crown:®©™℗, then proceeded to prick your foot and stamp your foot print onto a Guthrie card, where your first name is con-joined with your last NAME. This is when the living spirit that resides in your body, was attached to the legal (P)erson fiction (click here). From here your parents were issued the birth certificate. You were tricked into assuming you were the person on the birth certificate, while in truth you are the :Crown:, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost which resides in a flesh garment, also known as the vessel or veil. In truth we are not of this earth, but walk upon it. This was done without your consent and without full disclosure and without your parent's knowledge or understanding.
In essence slavery never disappeared. Slavery is the invisible enemy, and the most effective form of slavery is the type in which the slave thinks he's free. The metal shackles were replaced with paper ones. You were captured by paper spells and have since spent your whole life in corporate servitude (click here) without knowing it, yet deep down you sensed it, but were too afraid to admit it out loud for fear of ridicule or worse. That's ok, we understand. We however have fought the good fight for you, and we have won, otherwise if we hadn't, you wouldn't be reading this account. Lets continue, in the public you are a person who has privileges, which can be taken away, while in the private you are a man or woman who has lawful rights, which cannot be taken away. They can however be surrendered by your consent. In the public you can be arrested and detained, while in the private you cannot.
In the public you lived to survive in an economy of scarcity. In the private you will thrive in an economy of abundance. Changing to the mind set of abundance will take time however, but it will be a pleasurable transition. The private domain is a new world and to cross over you have to resurrect yourself from the dead legal fiction, into the domain of the living. Man and Woman standing upright on dry land and not laying dead under the sea (refer to your passport) or click here. This is really the only logical choice a sentient being can make, once faced with this information.
The heart of sovereignty is deeply spiritual. The reality of the Great Spirit that lives and breathes in all beings, was never lost by those that have occupied these ancient lands of :Ao-te-aroha:®©™℗ since before recorded time. A direct relationship to God has always been taboo in the Judaeo-Christian traditions. Yet the Cathars in the middle ages were persecuted and genocided for advocating this very truth, that you are not separate from God, Truth and Reality. It is this very truth that we proclaim. We are not the Ones that wake, dream and sleep, but are the witness consciousness of those states.
Consciousness is not the product of mind or body, but stands prior to mind and body, space and time. Quantum science has already shown us that everything is energy, everything is light, everything is One. We can live differently based on our latest scientific break-through's coupled with ancient tribal wisdom. We can create a new way of life in co-operation, tolerance, and in peace. When you are bound by a Sovereign's Sacred Oath not to cause harm, you are free to Do and Be without limit.
Full Sovereign Capacity
Sovereign capacity is taught in house and under private jurisdiction. By becoming a member of our :Royal-Court:®©™℗ or subject of the :Marsich-Crown-Kingdom:®©™℗ Estate you can develop the understanding required through practical hands on experience. It can take many years to perfect your estate protocols, but anything really worthwhile, takes time. It is preferred that you proceed slowly, as diplomatic mistakes at the global level cannot only scuttle your career, but impact members of your extended family.
In the public, life was dominated by service to self, just coping to survive. In the private it is service to others. To serve others effectively you have to have your own house in order. There are NO shortcuts. You will be required to deal with yourself and your limits. In the midst of this you will be observed by the elders and responsible to perform with other community members. You will be tested. You see, it is your blind spot that determines how you succeed in life, in service, in your career, not your physical strengths. An unchecked shadow can destroy your life in seconds. Together we are strong and can hold each other accountable for our shadows, our blind spots. Alone you are at the mercy of that which you cannot see, yet is obvious to others. This understanding is paramount if you are to step into the private, tribal sovereign society of the secured party of :Ao-te-aroha:®©™℗. The gift of sovereign community is priceless, as we understand that we take on the qualities of that which we associate with. We are what we eat and think. Energy flows where attention goes, so if you hang out with good people while doing good stuff, then the negative mind set that used to plague you before, will simply fall away through non-use. This is the secret to change.
In the public, life was dominated by service to self, just coping to survive. In the private it is service to others. To serve others effectively you have to have your own house in order. There are NO shortcuts. You will be required to deal with yourself and your limits. In the midst of this you will be observed by the elders and responsible to perform with other community members. You will be tested. You see, it is your blind spot that determines how you succeed in life, in service, in your career, not your physical strengths. An unchecked shadow can destroy your life in seconds. Together we are strong and can hold each other accountable for our shadows, our blind spots. Alone you are at the mercy of that which you cannot see, yet is obvious to others. This understanding is paramount if you are to step into the private, tribal sovereign society of the secured party of :Ao-te-aroha:®©™℗. The gift of sovereign community is priceless, as we understand that we take on the qualities of that which we associate with. We are what we eat and think. Energy flows where attention goes, so if you hang out with good people while doing good stuff, then the negative mind set that used to plague you before, will simply fall away through non-use. This is the secret to change.
LATITUDE:S 35° 29' 49.884"
LONGITUDE:E 173° 24' 50.5224"
LATITUDE:S 35° 29.8314'
LONGITUDE:E 173° 24.84204'
LATITUDE:S 35° 29' 49.884"
LONGITUDE:E 173° 24' 50.5224"
LATITUDE:S 35° 29.8314'
LONGITUDE:E 173° 24.84204'
Man/Woman vs Person
This subject matter is dealt with in great depth when studying sovereignty. The living man vs the dead legal fiction. When you were seven years old, the state declared you were lost at sea and dead, and claimed your estate. They have been administrating your estate and trusts ever since, yet it is in your name. Only you can claim it on the road to becoming a free man or woman. Taking possession of your legal person, which is your property, is a big step on the way to becoming free and becoming sovereign over your estate. Your estate is your mind and body. As sovereign you stand as the highest moral authority on the land. Real estate are the immovable things on the land. As we cannot own anything in this world, real estate, cars, jewelry, art, and funds are held in trust. Our body and minds have been entrusted to us as well, as we clearly did not create them, or this world. Therefore we are the administrator of these things, not the owner of them. We administer our trusts and estate through our Manor Rolls, which is a tri-system of record keeping operated under oath and in full transparency to the Divine Creator.
Note, the deception and fraud by the Vatican and the governments around our unit trusts, live born records and birth certificates will not continue in the new geo-political landscape. How this landscape will look on the other side is up for debate, but the bad guys that used to run this fraud and run interference against us, will be eliminated. Therefore the process of claiming your unit trust will be simpler. However the understanding needed to administer yourself in the private will take time, as well as undoing a lifetime of habits based on the psychology of scarcity.
Note, the deception and fraud by the Vatican and the governments around our unit trusts, live born records and birth certificates will not continue in the new geo-political landscape. How this landscape will look on the other side is up for debate, but the bad guys that used to run this fraud and run interference against us, will be eliminated. Therefore the process of claiming your unit trust will be simpler. However the understanding needed to administer yourself in the private will take time, as well as undoing a lifetime of habits based on the psychology of scarcity.
sovereign learning tools
:Universal-Lore-Registered-Copyright-Trademark-Name-Patent:®©™℗ 2020 - All-Rights-Reserved