White Historian History not necessarily Oral History passed down through the ages.
750AD Kupe nuku - mooriori
:Kupe-Nuku:©™ and the great return to :Aotearoa:©™, the land of the long white cloud. After circumnavigating the islands once known as :Te-Ika-a-Maui:©™, :Te-Waipounamu:©™ and :Rakiura:©™, :Aotearoa:©™, his clan settled in the :Hokianga:, :Te-Ika-a-Maui:©™, :Aotearoa:©™ in 750 AD to an uninhabited land of giant Kauri Trees and Moa. Mooriori Tribal origins of :Rangi'atea:©™, black royal bloodlines to the Moors, ancestral bloodlines to the heavens and :Io-nui-Io:©™ Supreme God of all gods. History has tried to wipe out the far north Mooriori, :uri-o-Kupe-Nuku:©™, but we are still here. A continent and land that separated from Gondwanaland. The upside down :Aotearoa:©™ land mass that looks like the foot of GOD resting on the flat earth plain under the firmament dome.
The House of :Marsich:©™ is a by-product of this migrant invasion and colonization. My grandmother :Annie-Mary-May: (:Gilmour:©™) :Murray:©™ (my mothers, mother) was Scottish, English by descent who I loved dearly and my grandfather :Nukutawhiti: (Mare) ;Murray:©™ was Moori ori, Ma Uri and French New Caledonian. My Poppa :Ivan: :Maršić:©™ (my fathers, father) was Croatian, Israelite by descent and my Nana :Te-Mingi-Mataroa: :Heta:©™ / :Rika-Heke:©™ was full blood Moori ori, Ma Uri a Matakite Seer who i am a seeded gift and Tohunga, Matakite, Arikinui, Rangatira, Tuakana, Kingi and Atua incarnate with Holy Spirit within my Avatar Vessel of flesh, blood and bone.
Although I do not agree on the methods used and the actions taken of some scrupulous, greedy, lying, evil individuals like Captain James Cook, Edward Gibbon Wakefield, British Resident James Busby, Governor George Grey and others, it is our history.
Although I do not agree on the methods used and the actions taken of some scrupulous, greedy, lying, evil individuals like Captain James Cook, Edward Gibbon Wakefield, British Resident James Busby, Governor George Grey and others, it is our history.
The movie UTU portrays a time in history when Aotearoa was being colonized and the British Empire was expanding throughout the World. The world looks down on first nation natives that fight back to protect their land and people. White-washed history has been written by the colonizers that divide and conquer the world. When people of another land enter into someone elses territory or land, commit genocide by war and take resources not rightfully theirs, they are deemed terrorists. When people stand-by and say nothing or turn a blind-eye to acts of cruelty to other fellow hue-man sentient beings, we can truly separate the sheep from the goats. The atrocities committed by colonizers of lands they have no birthright too and adopt pagan religion, idol worship, false gods, spell-binding language and false indoctrination of history and enslavement has proven without a doubt that we have been deceived into believing that the colonizers have our best interests in heart. We only need to look at history... nothing is new that has already happened before and is going to happen again. History always repeats itself.
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