As authorized by the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, Article 4 (Grants and Specific Powers to the World Government), and Article 8 (C) (World Boundaries and Elections Administration) and World Legislative Act #29: (Elections Act) and prior to the First Operative Stage of World Government and pending the start-up of the World Boundaries and Elections Administration WBEA, the World Constitution and Parliament Association WCPA (organizing agents for the World Parliament) are organizing World Parliament Political Parties to begin the selection of candidates, inform and mobilize voters, help organize the legislative process for the House of Peoples and to help in the work of the Global Peoples Assembly's "Global Ratification and Elections Network Campaign."
New WCPA chapter offices are being established by World Parliament Political Parties and their coalitions for the purpose of organizing the Global Peoples Assembly's "Global Ratification and Elections Campaign" in their respective countries and for other World Parliament business.
Since the World Parliament is a "democratic non-military government based on establishing peace and solving environmental problems” it is only appropriate that world environmental and peace organizations have their own World Parliament Political Parties as shown below:
1- World Parliament Peace Party; 2- World Parliament Environmental Party; 3- World Parliament Interfaith Party; 4- World Parliament Independent Party. (Voters may support a particular issue, such as a Women's organization or a political philosophy, or maybe voters prefer to remain unaffiliated with any party or organizational coalition.)
In your country, any organization that fits any of the world parliament political party categories can become a coalition attached or associated with that world parliament political party, and help to organize the process of becoming part of the Global peoples Assembly by signing up their members and others to nominate candidates for the World Parliament House of Peoples and House of Counselors and sign (ratify) the Earth Constitution. Then they will be asked to submit names for candidates to the House of Peoples that will be voted on by individual country's registered voters in the national election. WCPA Chapters will conduct the voter ballot nomination process through individual Earth Federation voter's personal computers or whatever method is appropriate. The referendum that will be placed on the country's national ballot will basically ask, "Do we or don't we, ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and send representatives to the House of Peoples." If the individual voter indicates "yes" to the referendum question, then they will get to vote for who they want to be their representatives to the House of Peoples.
Here is a simple breakdown of the World Parliament Elections Campaign:
2019: Process begins for WCPA Chapters to organize within their country a National Ballot. Initiative to have placed on the national ballot the referendum asking voters to ratify the Earth Constitution and vote for a candidate to be their representative to the World Parliament House of Peoples. (WCPA Chapters)
2019-2020: All political party members who will be registered automatically as Earth Federation World Citizens and will be a voting member of the Global Peoples Assembly. Note- Those who wish to receive an Earth Federation World Citizen ID which also is an Earth Federation HOUR Currency Bank Card, must pay the required fee (to be determined). (WCPA Chapters)
2019-2020: World Parliament Political Party Members (Global Peoples Assembly Members) will vote to nominate candidates to World Parliament House of Peoples that will be placed on their country's national ballot. Note- At least 25% of the eligible voters must vote to send representatives to the the World Parliament House of Peoples. (WCPA Chapters/ GPA Voters)
2020: A Voter Information Booklet is to be placed on the WCPA Chapter websites in individual countries which will summarize major current public issues, and shall list each candidate for elective office together with standard information about each candidate, and give space for each candidate to state his or her views on the defined major issues as well as on any other major issue of choice; to include information on any initiatives or the Earth Constitution for along with any other referendums which are to be voted upon. (WCPA Chapters)
It is important to note that everyone who registers to vote (World Parliament Political Parties), automatically become Earth Federation World Citizen as well as a member of the Global Peoples Assembly.
World Legislative Act #29 Elections Act Provisions for a Global Peoples Assembly
14. Global Peoples Assembly (GPA)
The Global Peoples Assembly is a global para-governmental agency and process, comprising both non-governmental and governmental functions, emerging to improve democratic process at a global level, encouraging popular participation in making world citizen decisions.
14.1 Functions of the Global Peoples Assembly, its subsidiary and partner organizations, include the following:
14.1.1. to endorse, promote or reject endorsement of candidates to any House of the Provisional World Parliament or World Parliament. Endorsement or rejection of endorsement by the GPA is not binding on candidates, but may carry significant political weight;
14.1.2. to recommend that the World Parliament deliberate specified issues or subjects of legislation;
14.1.3. to generate necessary world citizens Initiatives and Plebiscites for election by the People of Earth in measured world elections conducted by the World Boundaries and Elections Administration, if the Global Peoples Assembly does not perceive recommendations to be adequate;
14.1.4. to discuss pending decisions and past decisions of the World Parliament;
14.1.5. to discuss pending decisions and past decision of the People via world initiatives, world referendums and world plebiscites;
14.1.6. to form citizens commissions to investigate electoral procedures, systems or subsystems that may have been subverted by faulty or fraudulent electronic count or other means, or the secrecy of which may have been compromised. (The individuals vote is secret, but not the actual counting of votes, which is a public function.); and
14.1.7. to discuss and review its own functioning, making corrections as necessary to ensure broad popular participation in the world political process.
Email Contact: [email protected]
New WCPA chapter offices are being established by World Parliament Political Parties and their coalitions for the purpose of organizing the Global Peoples Assembly's "Global Ratification and Elections Campaign" in their respective countries and for other World Parliament business.
Since the World Parliament is a "democratic non-military government based on establishing peace and solving environmental problems” it is only appropriate that world environmental and peace organizations have their own World Parliament Political Parties as shown below:
- World Parliament Peace Party (Link to country coalition web page)
- World Parliament Environmental Party (Link to country coalition web page)
- World Parliament Interfaith Party (Link to country coalition web page)
- World Parliament Independent Party (Link to country coalition web page) Voters may support a particular issue, such as a Women's organization or a political philosophy, or voters may prefer to remain unaffiliated with any party or organizational coalition.
1- World Parliament Peace Party; 2- World Parliament Environmental Party; 3- World Parliament Interfaith Party; 4- World Parliament Independent Party. (Voters may support a particular issue, such as a Women's organization or a political philosophy, or maybe voters prefer to remain unaffiliated with any party or organizational coalition.)
In your country, any organization that fits any of the world parliament political party categories can become a coalition attached or associated with that world parliament political party, and help to organize the process of becoming part of the Global peoples Assembly by signing up their members and others to nominate candidates for the World Parliament House of Peoples and House of Counselors and sign (ratify) the Earth Constitution. Then they will be asked to submit names for candidates to the House of Peoples that will be voted on by individual country's registered voters in the national election. WCPA Chapters will conduct the voter ballot nomination process through individual Earth Federation voter's personal computers or whatever method is appropriate. The referendum that will be placed on the country's national ballot will basically ask, "Do we or don't we, ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and send representatives to the House of Peoples." If the individual voter indicates "yes" to the referendum question, then they will get to vote for who they want to be their representatives to the House of Peoples.
Here is a simple breakdown of the World Parliament Elections Campaign:
2019: Process begins for WCPA Chapters to organize within their country a National Ballot. Initiative to have placed on the national ballot the referendum asking voters to ratify the Earth Constitution and vote for a candidate to be their representative to the World Parliament House of Peoples. (WCPA Chapters)
2019-2020: All political party members who will be registered automatically as Earth Federation World Citizens and will be a voting member of the Global Peoples Assembly. Note- Those who wish to receive an Earth Federation World Citizen ID which also is an Earth Federation HOUR Currency Bank Card, must pay the required fee (to be determined). (WCPA Chapters)
2019-2020: World Parliament Political Party Members (Global Peoples Assembly Members) will vote to nominate candidates to World Parliament House of Peoples that will be placed on their country's national ballot. Note- At least 25% of the eligible voters must vote to send representatives to the the World Parliament House of Peoples. (WCPA Chapters/ GPA Voters)
2020: A Voter Information Booklet is to be placed on the WCPA Chapter websites in individual countries which will summarize major current public issues, and shall list each candidate for elective office together with standard information about each candidate, and give space for each candidate to state his or her views on the defined major issues as well as on any other major issue of choice; to include information on any initiatives or the Earth Constitution for along with any other referendums which are to be voted upon. (WCPA Chapters)
It is important to note that everyone who registers to vote (World Parliament Political Parties), automatically become Earth Federation World Citizen as well as a member of the Global Peoples Assembly.
World Legislative Act #29 Elections Act Provisions for a Global Peoples Assembly
14. Global Peoples Assembly (GPA)
The Global Peoples Assembly is a global para-governmental agency and process, comprising both non-governmental and governmental functions, emerging to improve democratic process at a global level, encouraging popular participation in making world citizen decisions.
14.1 Functions of the Global Peoples Assembly, its subsidiary and partner organizations, include the following:
14.1.1. to endorse, promote or reject endorsement of candidates to any House of the Provisional World Parliament or World Parliament. Endorsement or rejection of endorsement by the GPA is not binding on candidates, but may carry significant political weight;
14.1.2. to recommend that the World Parliament deliberate specified issues or subjects of legislation;
14.1.3. to generate necessary world citizens Initiatives and Plebiscites for election by the People of Earth in measured world elections conducted by the World Boundaries and Elections Administration, if the Global Peoples Assembly does not perceive recommendations to be adequate;
14.1.4. to discuss pending decisions and past decisions of the World Parliament;
14.1.5. to discuss pending decisions and past decision of the People via world initiatives, world referendums and world plebiscites;
14.1.6. to form citizens commissions to investigate electoral procedures, systems or subsystems that may have been subverted by faulty or fraudulent electronic count or other means, or the secrecy of which may have been compromised. (The individuals vote is secret, but not the actual counting of votes, which is a public function.); and
14.1.7. to discuss and review its own functioning, making corrections as necessary to ensure broad popular participation in the world political process.
Email Contact: [email protected]